Here is a short poem I wrote one morning after waking up early in Malaysia.

6 am morning walk


the curtain opens up

a beautiful morning unfolds

the song of nature dancing in my ears

loud and clear

like many of us do not hear it any more

I saw the stars this morning

the same — all over the world

we are one

united in nature and its laws and global omnipresence

we are divided

in our quest to conquer and exploit the planet


my view opens to the beauty of nature

I walk around the calm lake

some fishes peacefully gasping for air

I walk further looking for an open view

following the call of the rooster

I see an open space

a beautiful landscape 

some old and lonely trees left from the days of the rainforest


suddenly I hear a plane rising above

I hear the cars from a close by motorway

I stare at plastic bottles in the middle of nowhere

it wakes me up

in the middle of my nature walk

just for a moment I thought I had seen paradise 


This poem became the inspiration for a song written by Amanda Colliver. Please send me a message in the contact section if you want me to email you the song.

Please send me a message in the contact section if you want me to email you the song. Listen to it to reconnect to Mother Nature, see the paradise we’ve been blessed with, and feel the pain of losing our beautiful paradise.