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“Be an agent of change: the green man’s guide to green living & working” is a book with practical ideas and tips on green living and working. It’s an action-based guide for adopting a green lifestyle for your life, home, family, work, business and community.”
The GreenMan's Guide to GreenLiving and Working
If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, then you have the power to decide, change, and create. You have the power to leave a green legacy. Yes, there will be obstacles. But entrepreneurship itself is no walk in the park. The question is, ‘What kind of difference do you want to make with your business?’ Maybe you’re wrestling with the voice in your head that says ‘Green is expensive and nobody wants to buy ‘eco-friendly products.’
Can green technology really save the planet?
For more than 10 000 years the climate and CO2 concentration has been very stable, but now we humans are pushing it to a dangerous level.
Now it has gone beyond 400 parts per million as a measurement of the concentration of the CO2 in the air, which has reached a problematic level. Even today I am reading on the front page of the local newspaper “climate change strikes us with full force”